- fruity
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English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
fruity — [fro͞ot′ē] adj. fruitier, fruitiest 1. a) like fruit in taste or smell b) suggesting the flavor or aroma of ripe fruit: said of wine 2. rich or mellow in tone, esp. excessively so [a fruity voice] 3. rich in interest; spicy; juicy … English World dictionary
fruity — 1650s, from FRUIT (Cf. fruit) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Fruitiness … Etymology dictionary
fruity — ► ADJECTIVE (fruitier, fruitiest) 1) of, resembling, or containing fruit. 2) (of a voice) mellow, deep, and rich. 3) Brit. informal sexually suggestive. DERIVATIVES fruitiness noun … English terms dictionary
fruity — [[t]fru͟ːti[/t]] fruitier, fruitiest 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is fruity smells or tastes of fruit. This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky. ...a lovely rich fruity wine. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A fruity voice or… … English dictionary
fruity — UK [ˈfruːtɪ] / US [ˈfrutɪ] adjective Word forms fruity : adjective fruity comparative fruitier superlative fruitiest 1) a) tasting or smelling like fruit a fruity red wine b) containing a lot of fruit a rich fruity pudding 2) British informal… … English dictionary
fruity — fruit|y [ fruti ] adjective 1. ) tasting or smelling like fruit: a fruity red wine a ) containing a lot of fruit: a rich fruity pie 2. ) a fruity voice or laugh is deep and strong in a pleasant way 3. ) BRITISH INFORMAL dealing with sex in a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fruity — adjective 1 tasting or smelling strongly of fruit: a very fruity wine 2 a voice or laugh that is fruity sounds low and pleasant 3 BrE informal a remark, story etc that is fruity is about sex and slightly shocking or offensive … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fruity — 1. mod. silly acting. □ He’s a fruity guy. Always silly and weird. □ Why are you acting so fruity? Not get enough sleep? 2. mod. in the style or manner of a male homosexual. (Usually objectionable.) □ The entertainers were sort of fruity, but… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
fruity — fruitiness, n. /frooh tee/, adj., fruitier, fruitiest. 1. resembling fruit; having the taste or smell of fruit. 2. rich in flavor; pungent. 3. excessively sweet or mellifluous; cloying; syrupy: a specialist in fruity prose; to read poetry in a… … Universalium
fruity — fruit|y [ˈfru:ti] adj 1.) tasting or smelling strongly of fruit ▪ a very fruity wine 2.) BrE a voice or laugh that is fruity sounds deep and pleasant … Dictionary of contemporary English
fruity — adj 1. British sexually suggestive or provoca tive. In the former sense the word has become a common colloquialism, as in fruity jokes/stories, etc. In the latter sense it remains a more restricted slang term in use especially among British… … Contemporary slang